Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tyler Texas book fair

Hi, everyone

Candlewood and I will be at Tyler Texas for the first time ever on Sep 10th.
We're looking fofward to meeting new friends and readers.
Come on to Tyler and meet us!

Book four: The Crown of Candlewood is nearly finished. Putting on the last touches and reviewing but if I do say so, it's the best part yet.

Remember, "For God, King and Candlewood!"


Monday, November 10, 2008

Candlewood downtown!

Hello, everyone

The leaves are falling and the sky looks very different, doesn't it?
My favorite time of year (with Christmas being the absoulute) and my entire family's, too is the Fall.

Barbara Newton (Mom) and I will be at the Barnes and Noble in Sundance Square, downtown Ft Worth on November 15th from 2 until 4. Come on down and see us for our last signing of the year. This is a wonderful, almost magical store so come prepared to gawk and shop, as I will!
The Store is a two story, BIG store directly across from Sundance Square.

Happy Holidays from Candlewood and God bless each of you.
